E' House dated 1626, now demolished (The first date mentioned here represents the earliest attested reference [Not the date of construction]). D. Merchants' hall. C. Notaries, secretaries of the chapter. B. The bishop's officiality (at present a private dwelling). A. The chapter library. 19. The ancient wall. 18. The Vidame's gate. 17. Saint-Jean gate [leading to the final location of the collegial abbey of St. Jean-en-Vallée, which moved  to a site just Southeast of the cathedral from its ancient location below the city's Northwest walls after its destruction by the Huguenots in the 16th century]. 16. La Fruterie gate. 15. Les Changes gate, leading to the rue des Changes. 14. The former hôtel-Dieu of Notre-Dame. 13. Percheronne gate. 12. The gate of the Hôtel-Dieu. 11. Trois-Degrés gate. 10. The Cadran gate (The 9th century 'Portam Novam'??) . 9. The gate of the officiality. 8. The Louans storehouse (the 'Grenier des Löens', 13th century tithe barn of the cathedral chapter, now the Centre Internationale de Vitrail). 7. Formerly the chapel of Saint-Même. 6. The cemetery and chapel of Saint Jérôme. 5. The Bishop's palace. 4. The chapel of Saint-Étienne-du-Cloître. 3. The former hôtel-Dieu of Notre-Dame. 2. The church of Saint-Nicolas-du-Cloître, formerly Saints Sergius and Bachus. 1. The Cathedral of St. Mary of Chartres.